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Meet Matthew Walters.


Matt is a sophomore computer science major at the University of Maryland with a strong interest in design. He took studio art throughout all four years of high school and through that learned the principles of art and design. He aspires to create many more products like Musea so that he can help people through his understanding of technology and design. Matt is a part of the College Success Scholars program, a program that promotes minority success at the University of Maryland. He works as a team leader where he oversees a group of five mentees and works on various projects throughout the year to assist the program. In his free time he enjoys playing guitar and ukulele.

Design Philosophy

Matt has always been interested in understanding how his two loves, art and computer science, can intersect. Investigating this  intersection is what inspired Matt to work on Musea. Matt has always been interested in understanding how a user thinks and how to create the best experience possible for said user. This led him to the belief that the most important component of any design process is iterative designing. This allows the designer to get inside the mind of the user and understand how they are going to interact with the product. In Matt’s personal opinion, you cannot properly design something without considering how a user will feel about the product.

Meet Rachit Agarwal.


Rachit is a computer science and product management major who aims to use technology to help people. He has a passion for using art to solve everyday problems, whether that's through app and product design, photography, or of course, Musea! Outside of DCC, Rachit is active in the QUEST Honors Program, and in his free time enjoys organizing social events for his fraternity, photography, lifting, yoga, and traveling.

Design Philosophy

Rachit sees the user as the centerpiece of design: Every single design decision should circle back to the user. The key to Musea's user experience, in Rachit's perspective, is freedom: Users have the flexibility of using Musea heavily during a museum visit, or focusing on the museum and using the app as an occasional supplement. Design-wise, Rachit takes inspiration from Google, Airbnb, Stripe, and Spotify, and loves creating modern mobile and web designs in Sketch and Invision.

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