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Musea is a vision of a better museum experience.

With all types of art, people often say things like "why is this considered art?" or "wow, I could make that!" After personally encountering situations like this ourselves, we saw this as a problem. In our constantly changing sociopolitical climate, art is an integral part of our culture now more than ever. We want to help people better understand modern art.

Musea is a mobile app prototype (built with Sketch and Invision) that presents our idea of an enhanced museum experience, through which users visit museums in an educationally constructive yet naturally smooth way. Users can easily learn more about the art they see in a museum with full descriptions, expert analyses, artist biographies, and discussion sections. These discussions help people understand the art on a personal level by absorbing others' perspectives as well as sharing their own. This information is quickly accessible through QR code scanning which will be available next to each piece in participating galleries and museums.

We hope you enjoy our vision of a better museum experience!

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